iPhone User Loses Everything, Warns Against Malicious App Store App

What you should know


  • A fake cryptocurrency app claiming to be affiliated with Bitcoin wallet Leather has been found on the Apple App Store, using the Leather logo and fake reviews to appear legitimate.
  • The fraudulent app is designed to drain victims’ crypto wallets by tricking them into giving away their secret passphrase, leading to the loss of cryptocurrency and NFT assets.
  • Victims of the scam are advised to transfer their cryptocurrency to a new wallet if they have entered their passphrase into the fake Leather app.
  • Despite being notified about the fraudulent app, Apple has not removed it from the App Store, highlighting occasional security lapses in the platform.


Full Story

Oh boy, here we go again. Another day, another scam. This time, it’s a sneaky fake cryptocurrency app pretending to be something it’s not. It’s masquerading as the well-known Bitcoin wallet, Leather, right there on the Apple App Store. Can you believe it?

The culprit? A developer going by the name LetalComRu, complete with the Leather logo and all. They’ve even gone to the lengths of drumming up fake reviews. And guess what? This app’s got a stellar rating of 4.9 out of 5.0. Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So, what’s the big deal with cryptocurrency wallets? Well, they’re like the key to your digital treasure chest. Leather’s one of those popular wallets that folks use to keep their tokens and digital goodies safe and sound.

But here’s the kicker: this fake app is a wallet drainer. Yep, you heard that right. It’s been crafted with one purpose in mind—to siphon off all your hard-earned digital assets. And sadly, some folks have already fallen victim to this scam, losing everything they’ve painstakingly accumulated over the years.

How did it happen, you ask? The app likely conned users into handing over their secret passphrase. Then, it went on a shopping spree, transferring cryptocurrencies and NFTs to the scammers’ wallet. Sneaky, right?

If you’ve accidentally downloaded this bogus Leather app and entered your passphrase, don’t just sit there! It’s crucial to move your cryptocurrency to a new wallet, pronto.

Now, here’s the part that really grinds my gears. Apple was tipped off about this fraudulent app by Leather a whole week ago. And guess what? It’s still up for grabs on the App Store. Despite iPhones being touted as the Fort Knox of smartphones, it seems they’re not immune to the occasional security hiccup. Remember last month’s fiasco with the fake password manager app? Yep, Apple dragged its feet on that one too.

So, what’s the moral of the story? Stay alert, folks. In the wild west of the digital world, it pays to keep your wits about you. And maybe, just maybe, Apple will get its act together and weed out these imposters a bit quicker. Fingers crossed.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynnhttps://www.phonesinsights.com
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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