Google Messages Introduces Selfie GIF Recording Feature – Limited Availability

What you should know


  • Google Messages is introducing a new feature that allows users to create three-second Selfie GIFs to enhance conversations.
  • The rollout of the Selfie GIF feature in Google Messages has been limited, with many users, including those on the latest beta versions, not yet having access.
  • To create a Selfie GIF, users need to long-press the camera icon in a conversation, follow a prompt or manually start the recording with more control options available.
  • Once created, the Selfie GIF is automatically saved to the user’s camera roll, making it easy to share in conversations or elsewhere.


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Oh boy, Google Messages is stepping up its game! They’re rolling out these cool three-second Selfie GIFs. Imagine that – your chats are about to get a whole lot more lively and visually interesting. But, here’s the kicker – it’s not everywhere yet. A bit of a bummer, right?

Now, me? I’m always on the bleeding edge. Running the latest Google Messages beta and Android 15 Beta 1. Yeah, I like to live dangerously. But guess what? Even I haven’t seen this feature pop up yet. It’s kinda like waiting for a bus that never shows. You start wondering if it’s you, the bus, or the time of day.

Seems like this rollout is playing hard to get. Could be a server-wide thing or maybe, just maybe, it’s one of those elusive features that hits the stable version before beta testers get a sniff. Odd, but hey, that’s tech for ya.

Google’s got a simple guide for when it does show up, though. Open a chat in Google Messages, then long-press the camera icon in the text field. You might even get a nudge with a prompt to try out the selfie GIF. If you do, tap on that bad boy.

There’s a countdown that feels shorter than waiting for a microwave to ding. But if you’re a control freak, hit the red button to start and stop the recording on your terms. Messed up? No sweat, you can redo it. Once you nail that perfect three-second masterpiece, it saves straight to your camera roll. Sharing is just a tap away.

Caught a glimpse of the process over at Looks pretty slick, if you ask me.

So, if you’re hanging out in Google Messages land, keep your eyes peeled. This Selfie GIF feature is bound to make a grand entrance on your device sooner or later. And when it does? It’s showtime. Get ready to crank up the fun in your chats.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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