EU to Investigate Apple, Google, and Meta for DMA Violations

What you should know


  • The European Union has launched investigations into Apple, Google, and Meta to determine if they comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), focusing on practices like anti-steering regulations in app stores, search engine favoritism, browser choice screens, and ad targeting models.
  • Violations of the DMA could result in substantial fines for the companies involved, potentially up to 10% of their annual global revenue for initial infringements and up to 20% for repeated infringements.
  • The investigations also extend to Apple’s fee arrangements for app distribution outside of the App Store and Amazon’s product prioritization, with the EU granting Meta additional time to enable interoperability between Messenger and other messaging services.
  • The DMA’s regulations aim to create a fairer and more open digital space by requiring gatekeepers to allow customers to switch default apps, remove pre-installed applications, prevent elevation of their own services, and permit third-party app stores.


Full Story

Oh boy, Apple, Google, and Meta are really in the soup now. The European Union’s got them in its sights, launching a deep dive to see if they’re playing by the new, tough rules. These rules? They’re designed to clip the wings of Big Tech, keeping them from getting too high and mighty. If these tech giants step out of line, they’re looking at fines that could hit their wallets hard. We’re talking up to 10% of their annual dough.

Margrethe Vestager, the big boss of competition policy, dropped the news. She’s got her team rolling on not one, but five probes into these companies. They’re poking around Google and Apple’s app stores, checking if Google’s playing favorites with its search results. And that’s not all. They’re eyeing Apple’s browser choices and Meta’s ad tactics with a keen eye.

But wait, there’s more. The EU’s got Apple under the microscope for how it handles app fees outside its App Store. Amazon’s also on the list, with questions about whether it’s giving its own products the VIP treatment. And Meta? They’ve been given a bit more time to play nice with other messaging services.

Thierry Breton, another EU bigwig, isn’t mincing words. He’s saying loud and clear that they’re not buying what Alphabet, Apple, and Meta are selling. If these tech titans don’t shape up, they’re facing hefty fines.

Once the investigation wraps up, the Commission’s gonna lay down the law. They’ll tell these gatekeepers exactly what they need to do to fix things. And if they don’t listen? The fines could get even steeper, up to 20% of their global revenue for repeat offenders.

These tech giants had their wake-up call at the start of the month. The DMA’s laid out the ground rules: let users ditch default apps, stop pre-installing their own stuff, no more pushing their services over competitors, and open the doors to third-party app stores.

For Apple, this EU probe is just another headache. They’re already dealing with a major antitrust investigation in the US. The Justice Department and a bunch of attorneys general are on their case, accusing them of locking out competitors. And to top it off, the EU slapped them with a hefty €1.8 billion fine for messing with music streaming competition.

So yeah, things are heating up for Big Tech in Europe. It’s gonna be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Derrick Flynn
Derrick Flynn
With over four years of experience in tech journalism, Derrick has honed his skills and knowledge to become a vital part of the PhonesInsights team. His intuitive reviews and insightful commentary on the latest smartphones and wearable technology consistently provide our readers with valuable information.


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